Sunday, October 28, 2007

COOL: Robots that can taste

Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste -- an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines, cheeses and hors d'oeuvres.

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Wine Review Generator

Want to sound like you know what you're talking about even when you don't? Check out this wine review generator that can turn you into an instant sommelier.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

New robot can identify wines, cheeses

Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste — an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines, cheeses and hors d'oeuvres.

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A robot that can identify different wines and cheeses!

Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste -- an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines, cheeses and hors d'oeuvres.

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A Robot that can taste!

Researchers in Japan have designed a robot with taste. The electromechanical "sommelier" developed at NEC System Technologies and Mie university is able to identify dozens of different wines, cheeses and hors d'oeuvres.

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A Robot with Taste

In Japan, robots are doing it.Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste -- an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines, cheeses and hors d'oeuvres.

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Wine Tasting Robot (Robo-sommelier).

While we're caring about our iPods and cell phones, the Japanese are always one step closer... I wonder if there's a pocky robot...

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Bottled Water: Has the Tide Turned?

Recently an upscale restaurant in Toronto began offering, alongside its wine list, a list of exotic bottled waters–and a water sommelier to go with it. "It blew my mind when I heard of it," said Rob Bower, who owns a rival restaurant in the city, in a story published by The Canadian Press. "I thought this is silly, and it's friggin' bonkers."

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Sour Grapes - sniffing our fake wine

Joining the counterfeit world of forged hundreds and fraudulent Vermeers come bottles of fake Château Pétrus and Sassicaia. A top New York sommelier helps CITY’s Pameladevi Govinda sniff out shady wine.

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Wine expert in Madrid

WineMadrid is proud of our biggest event and without a doubt, the best value. Over 800 wines from from Spain and Portugal will be available to sample...and taste. It's the ultimate way to taste wine....during your Spain. Wine Tasting for tourist Madrid Sommelier Gourmet Dinner Restaurant wine route.

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New Nintendo DS Sommelier to be launched in Japan

Electronic Arts (EA) has created a new game, to be edited in Japan: Sommelier DS. It's a guide about the world of wine, where you can find more than 1000 different references classified by their name, origin, price and other factors.The game includes tasting lessons, and tips on how to preserve or store a wine and on how to serve it.

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Defintion: The Sommelier

"A sommelier (pronounced /sɔməˈlje/ or suh-mal-'yAy), or wine steward, is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, commonly working in fine restaurants, who specializes in all facets of wine service. The role is more specialised and informed than that of a wine waiter." When will such a thing exist in coffee and tea?

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Skip the Sommelier: Train Your Brain to Smell

Research taking place at two major United States universities suggests that humans have a better sense of smell than previously realized and that training olfactory senses can turn many people into experts on specific aromas.

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The Flavor of Wine

Whether novice or experienced the most difficult thing to comprehend when tasting is, where do all the flavors and tactile sensations come from? Are they added? Why don’t the grapes taste like the wine? How can a wine taste like raspberries if it is made from grapes? Master Sommelier Matthew Citriglia provides his insights to the flavor of wine.

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Umami - Taste Receptor, Tactile Sensation and Flavor Intensifier

From Master Sommelier Matt Citriglia, "Does anything stay the same? I just found out that that Pluto is not a planet, that female Reindeer have antlers, and now we have 5 taste receptors including salty, sweet, bitter and sour, and now Umami! This awareness is just the beginning of a whole new sensual pleasure in our mouths."

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Welcome to the new world of room service

Whatever you want, you can get it 24 hours a day at some hotels—whether it's on the menu or not. And it when it arrives, it may come in courses served sequentially, as in a fine restaurant. Can't decide between the 1,000 different wines offered? No problem. The room-service sommelier will be happy drop by.

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High Alcohol in Wine is a Fault, Not a Badge of Honor

When did high alcohol and dense color become the hallmarks of great wine? Why did the sappy cloying texture of a de-alcoholized wine become the hallmark of great mouth feel? Master Sommelier Matthew Citriglia examines today’s pendulum swing of phenolic ripeness, and argues that the real celebrity is the vineyard manager, not the winemaker.

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Why Does Wine Go Bad Once You've Opened It? - Popular Science

When a wine bottle is uncorked, its contents are exposed to air, causing them to oxidize. If you leave the open bottle out long enough, your once-tasty beverage could end up smelling like "sweaty socks or wet cardboard," says Philip Morace, president of the Sommelier Society of America.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Sour Grapes - sniffing our fake wine

Joining the counterfeit world of forged hundreds and fraudulent Vermeers come bottles of fake Château Pétrus and Sassicaia. A top New York sommelier helps CITY’s Pameladevi Govinda sniff out shady wine.

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What's next for the DS? How about teaching you the differences of wines?

From EA and Japan (duh), out comes Sommelier DS, a Japan-only (for now) DS game aiming to educate gamers on the intricacies of wine. Because you'd obviously need to be drunk to get it.

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Six Weird Games For The Nintendo DS

3. Getting Drunk! Sommelier DS provides DS owners with something they’ve always needed: a guide to different types of wines. If you want to view its commercial, click on the image below and check it out on their website [if you can’t read Japanese, just select the button with “CM” on it].

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In Sommelier India: "Giving away your secrets with the wines you drink!"

What does the wine you drink says about your taste and personality?...See what 'Sommelier India' take on the subject is.

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Three Ways to Impress a Sommelier

Toast, ML, RS . . . wine terms can sound like gibberish to a novice. Here's a key to unlocking these three.

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Sliced Bread: Sommelier Inquisition Continues

The Trailer Park Ninja describes the differences between the International Sommelier Guild and the Court of Master Sommeliers from the student's standpoint.

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Montesquieu Winery

Montesquieu winery handpicks all of the wines they sell. Their team of superb sommeliers ensures the winery's clients exceptionally scintillating wine experiences.

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Sommeliers vs. American wine by Jim Gordon- Unreserved- Wine Enthusiast

Why aren't American sommeliers excited about American wine?

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Conspiring Over Corks

Jim observes that waiters and sommeliers in restaurants have become more aware of corking in wine bottles.

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Sommelier Food and Wine Pairing in Philadelphia

I really wish I lived in Philly! It looks like a great place for leaning about wine and food..

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Do you want to be a Sommelier?

In North America, there are currently 79 Master Sommeliers, of which 13 are women. There are only 124 Master Sommeliers world wide. So how do you become one?

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Food and Wine: Pairing Made Simple

When food and wine are paired, it can create a kind of magic. Lucky for us, we don’t have to be a sommelier or have a five-star budget.

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Job Idea Number 4: Bath Master (Bath Sommelier)

Ah! The life of luxury, you get off the plane, a limousine drives you to the hotel where a bath sommelier has concocted a soothing mix for your aching body...Champagne anyone?

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